©opyright 2009 - 2012

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A wide deep adventure
as many words as can be
going through this venture
It enchants me
If you ever look
you'll know its a book

© BlueLightning

Sunday, September 27, 2009

What Is It?

a big ferocious roaring bundle
this big animal is very fierce
so strong it never hurt by a bumble
three big cheers!
this big animal is very fast
so fast and strong
It never comes last
If it attacks you you're a mess
you might have thought
I thought you'd guess
it have a spot
Its a cheetah!!


Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Moped

Red is the whiz
As I come out of my car.
Fast as it is,
I see it go far.
I go in my house
and see a big head.
I run out from the house
As I see...a moped!

By Pinkkitten©

All Rhymes

Abi drives
to St. Ives.
Ummi talks
every time a car blocks.
Sakinah reads
about garden weeds.
Nura takes a pic
Click, click, click.
Hamzah teases
as night increases.
Zeyd eats
different meats.
This poem ends
as night descends.

By Pinkkitten©

A Soft, Squishy, Yummy, & Tasty Treat!

Soft and squishy
Is the cylinder.
Yummy and tasty
Is the cylinder.
This soft, squishy,
yummy, and tasty cylinder is...
a marshmallow!!!

By Pinkkitten©

Bundles of Fur

These bundles of fur
Will always lure
You and your family
To the pet store
What will you choose?
A mouse, a puppy, or maybe...a KITTEN?

By Pinkkitten©

A Muslim

We never lie
We don't eat pork
We believe in Allah
The most high
We aren't rude
We don't play with our food
We're always kind
Kuffars are behind
We don't listen to jinn
They scare you out of your skin
We always fast
Iftar is last
That is all a Muslim does

By Pinkkitten©

A Yummy Rainbow

Apples, juicy and red
Apricots, smooth and orange
Bananas, soft and yellow
Honeydew, hard and green
Blueberries, small and blue,
Plums, sweet and purple
With these fruits
You have collected

By Pinkkitten©

A bowl

Big and wide
deep inside
its time I tol'
its a bowl






The sun has set
the moon has risen
the day is leaving
and so have you


Mick and Rob


Mick put a candle on the wick
Bob got a job
While Mick was sick
and when Mick was sick
Bob started to sob
Micks clock started to tick
Bob slowly turned the knob
and Mick got ice - cream to lick
Bob shut his gob
Mick started to throw out chick
While Bob showed up slob
Mick got slick
while Bob started to rob
The End



My name is Me. I sleep all day and play all night!
Her name is She. She's quiet all day and loud at night.
His name is He. He reads when it's dark and stops when there's light.
Who's name is What. What eats veggie and doesn't eat chicken.
End The Poem.

By Pinkkitten©

Friday, September 25, 2009

Bust The Yeag

I is bust de yeag
I walk around stealing
from every bag,
some is a weakling,
I blast my puunk
leaving peoples pockets poor
with a clunk
I get some more
this 'ere is a easy task
us yeags master with ease
not any need to break a flask
and my punk tells his master he sees
A policeman to catch us with ease!

By BlueLightning


Khalid was a warrior,
he was not poor,
he fought the muhammad
and he was very mad,
when they won the war,
he was as mad as a bee in a jar,
he thought and thought and was determined to win the next war,
the war came,
he almost got lame,
muhammad got knocked down,
he yelled in a mad tone,
when muhammad got up
as frisky as a pup,
they started to win,
the archers left the hill
and started to kill
Khalid had his chance!
he mounted his horse
the hill was coarse,
but he made it up,
muslims, look up!
it was too late and Khalid ran down
the next day they ran back to uhud
and all was good!
the muslims chased them good!
all the way to makkah.


By BlueLightning

Battle Theresnoname

The conquest of Makkah was coming
Muhammad told Khalid to have a group of tribes
to follow him running
Ikrimah came with no rides
He was scared of Khalids army
but he fought anyway
it was quite canny
Khalid won the war!!!

By BlueLightning

How a Guy Can Die

That guy lost his eye.
I suppose he lost his nose.
In South he lost his mouth.
Oh dear, he lost his ear.
I do declare he lost his hair.
In a trace, he lost his face.
In bed he lost his head.
Down the potty went his body.
While stealing eggs he lost his legs.
In a bed sheet someone hid his feet.
In bed he lay dead.

By PinkKitten©, BlueLightning©, and Greenpony©


zayed is nice,
not like mice,
his screaming is music to my ears,
but not his germ smears,
scolding from my mom,
is there any,
there might be,
but I see,
a bee,
enough about that squirt,
maybe he wears a dress,
I don't know,
so I guess...Zee enz!



use yar manners when you eat,
even if it's nice and sweet
don't gobble up,
watch my blog movie,
thosee are manners of eat,
and this ones about meat,
and every other kind,

By BlueLightning


Killing is bad,
even if it's a lad,
never use the knife,
but in war and stuff use it,
if your life
is taken away-
how would you feel?

By BlueLightning

Jannnah Life

My imagination said one day
"Take my hand lets fly away",
So off we went to fly,
in the mornin' sky,
my imagination told me"hurry up!",
so I went faster than a pup
finally we were there,
faster than a zippy bear,
in a place bad people don't go,
in this magnificent place obedient people go,
where I see
people don't pee,
in this life
people don't use the knife,
Jannah is the life!

By BlueLightning


Toys are the best,
better than a nest,
I sometimes go to toys R us
but parents don't let us
Sakinah, Nura and I
will just die,
because the fun is lost,
just of the cost
so now all is gone,
'cause miss declutta is here!

By BlueLightning


I wish I had a pet,
but now i'm in a bet,
if I am responsible, then it will be there,
but now i'm like hair,
all messy, and unneat,
maybe I will get beat

By BlueLightning

A Monster in the city

A monster in the city!
A monster came slashing throuh the city,
with its flashing firesticks,
It slashed and mashed, but soon it was gone

By BlueLightning

Nature walk poem

I went outside today and saw lotsa stuff,
and a cat that fell of a high place,
we walked off in a huff,
we started to pace,
then we went to the safari,
but nothing we saw except moss,
it was like walking to Jalali,
Sakinah was the boss,
so we had to go follow her to some mailbox,
I saw a bird,
it was orange like a fox,
we ran home like crazy,
and I stamped some leaf samples,
I did it as if I was lazy,
and that is the story about that cold day.

By BlueLightning

Welcome to our new poem blog

Welcome to our new poem blog
We may publish it every day
you should come through the fog
and read today
and in january
and in may
and in feburary
and you must
read in june
and also in august
all around the moon
wait how about march
and april
yuck is that starch?!
july too
when the cows moo
and don't forget september
october november and December!